Oamaru is a small town in the southern edge of Canterbury.  Its  period of wealth and growth was about 90-100 years ago, when its prosperity came from the gold exports.  For architects and historians, there's a nice collection of buildings in Oamaru Limestone.  It's  known to tourists as the location of two penguin colonies, those of the small blue penguin, and of the yellow-eyed penguin.
Near Oamaru are the Moeraki Boulders, a curiosity.
These signs are not there for the tourists' entertainment.  I saw the same signs in Kaikoura and Seatoun, just outside of Wellington. New Zealanders are serious about taking care of their birds.  Image courtesy of Peter R.

Accommodation for the night at Oamaru Top10
My drive from Christchurch to Oamaru.  The day's drive was a high point for me.  I was starting the 'exploration' part of my trip, and I had the whole country ahead of me.  Little did I know that these are about the only straight roads in all of New Zealand, and that I would rarely travel as fast as I did then.


You reveal your origin by how you pronounce the name.  Locals drop the leading 'O' (ah-MAR-u).  Those from outside Otago include it - (o-AH-mar-u).  Similar to Missouri:  Missourah/Missouree  (local/non-local).
Wikipedia Entry on Oamaru