ted perkins | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Here's some photos from my first Powerlifting meet ever, at Gay Games Sydney 2002:
My results. All values are in Kilos. I mean, please. I'm a novice, but not that novice.
Ok Fine, pounds
Here's the silver medal I won:
Here's the bronze, a "participation" medal. I think it is nice that everyone goes home with a medal
They're both quite heavy. Some Links: Really interesting couple- I enjoyed meeting them at the Powerlifting event. Powerlifting Bears (Although I really cannot fall into that category, It's nice that there is a group)
But that was 2000-2002, when I did the whole gym rat thing. I did not touch a bar or a plate for about a year after November 2002. been there, done that, I guess you could say. |