The gates into Red Square.  I manipulated the image so that it would not seem as overrun with tourists as it really is.  Obviously Photoshop is not my forte....Maybe I'll learn how to use it sometime, but in the meanwhile, shake-n-bake cobbled together pages will have to suffice.
For some reason, the two-headed eagle of old Russia was returned to the spires on this building.  But the star remains on the other building to the right.
Same building, different angle.    The gates to Red Square are at the right, the Kremlin to the left.
Dad at Red Square
Dad in front of Lenin's Tomb.
Me in Red Square
Dad & myself on another day.  The fogging was really bad on this roll.
Me in front of Lenin's Tomb
Lenin's tomb, from GUM
Some big pink thing across from GUM
Lenin's Tomb in the foreground, with the polished variegated marble surface.  The wall of the Kremlin is just behind, in red brick.  The Kremlin offices are the mustard-colored building inside the wall.
Clock at the Kremlin
Large building just off Red Square,  the mural at the top is enlarged below.
All hail the glories of tractors, wheat, electrification and oil exploration!!
Some statue of a worker-type.


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