After much procrastination and slow progress, I have arrived at the point where I want to assemble the transmission to the motor.
Hopefully, you had some sort of system to label the bolts when you separated the engine and transmission.  I stuck my bolts in a piece of foam in the general arrangement that they were on the motor, with labels.
I wasted a lot of time, the better part of an afternoon, trying to get the things together.  Some advice:

1) Make sure the clutch plates are aligned on the pilot bearing.  I had a lot of frustration the first few times because the clutch plate was not perfectly aligned.  I could get the case together, save for the last centimeter. 

 Aligning the plate is very easy if you have a spare driveshaft.  I did not.  Rich H., in his infinite wisdom suggested the following: a) loosen the bolts on the clutch diaphragm.  This takes the pressure off the driven plate and allows it to move.  You do not want it totally loose, but just enough to allow the clutch plate to slide a bit. b) assemble the transmission to the engine. It should fit now. In my experience, the transmission fit to the engine perfectly once I had loosened the driven plate c) CAREFULLY pull the transmission back from the engine block, as you do not want the transmission shaft to bump the clutch out of position on removal. d) tighten the diaphragm bolts with a torque wrench.
I tried all sorts of ways to get the transmission and clutch together
I tried the transmission on a dolly and hoisting the engine.  Nope.

I tried supporting both on tires and using the hoist to maneuver the engine. Nope.

I tried the motor supported on the ground and then supporting the transmission with the hoist. Nope.

I finally set the motor on the ground and lifted the transmission into the motor.  All thee time I was afraid that the motor could not support itself if placed on its side. Turns out the motor is pretty robust.       I set it on the exhaust side an it worked just fine.  Mating the transmission to the motor, mostly in terms of manipulating  the transmission to match the holes on the crankcase.  I ended up putting the motor on the ground and manipulating the transmission  by hand to merge it to the crankcase.  I was so pre-occupied, I forgot to take a picture.                             
Now, to install in the engine compartment