The Slave Cylinder / Clutch Actuator:


The input from the master cylinder



The inputs from the HP, Return and bleeder

with the dust boot & leak return



I'm storing them and the hoses in LHM.  

Pressing on the clutch pedal operates the master cylinder (2).  This actuates the slave cylinder and a valve that introduces HP to the slave cylinder (all inside 3).   There is a Tee fitting in the line that supplies HP to the front suspension (5).  This line comes from the priority valve (4).  The slave cylinder dumps LHM back to the reservoir (1).  This is through a hose similar to the return hoses from the doseur or the steering control unit.  At the reservoir, there is a Tee fitting that provides LHM to the master cylinder.  There is a bleeder line (6) from the slave cylinder, and a leak line from the rubber boot around the slave cylinder.